The Executive Presence Blog

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3 Proven Ways to Speak Up at Meetings and Boost Your Executive Presence

Oct 02, 2023
The Executive Presence Blog

Hello, fellow aspiring leaders!

We’ve all been there – sitting in a meeting, bursting with great ideas, but hesitating to speak up. Why? Maybe it’s the fear of being judged or the worry that your idea might sound silly. Well, fear not! Today, we're diving into the realm of executive presence and exploring three ways to make your voice heard at meetings, leaving your colleagues in awe of your confidence and creativity.

1. Master the Art of the Power Pause:

Ever noticed how the most influential speakers use the power of silence? It's not just for dramatic effect; it's a potent tool to gather your thoughts and capture everyone's attention. Next time you're in a meeting, don’t rush to fill the silence immediately after someone else has spoken. Embrace the power pause. Let your words hang in the air, leaving your colleagues curious about what you’re about to say. It not only adds gravity to your words but also showcases your confidence.

Imagine this: You pause, and the room leans in, hanging on to your every word. That's the power of the pause, my friends!

2. Embrace the ‘Yes, And’ Mindset:

In the world of improvisational comedy, there’s a golden rule: always respond with “Yes, and...”. It means accepting what others say and building upon it. Apply this principle in meetings. When someone presents an idea, acknowledge it, and then add your thoughts. It shows that you value their input and establishes you as a team player.

Picture this: Your colleague suggests a new marketing strategy. Instead of shooting it down, you say, “Yes, that’s a great point, and we could enhance it by incorporating social media influencers to expand our reach.” Collaboration at its finest!

3. Spice It Up with Storytelling:

Humans are wired to respond to stories. We remember them, we relate to them, and most importantly, we pay attention to them. So, why not turn your ideas into compelling narratives? Craft your points into stories, weaving relatable characters and challenges. Not only does it make your message memorable, but it also showcases your creativity and ability to connect with your audience.

Imagine this: You share a story about a customer’s positive experience with your product. Suddenly, your idea isn’t just an idea; it’s a journey, a testament to your understanding of your audience and their needs.

Feeling inspired already? That’s the spirit! Remember, your executive presence isn’t just about what you say; it's about how you say it. These techniques not only make you a dynamic communicator but also enhance your influence in the room.

If you’re eager to explore more ways to boost your executive presence, I invite you to schedule a Discovery Call with me. Let’s unlock your full potential together! Remember, the world needs your ideas, your creativity, and your unique perspective. So, speak up, be confident, and watch your executive presence soar to new heights.

Warm regards



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